Crystals & Richter’s Daughter | Soya Arakawa & Aman Sandhu

Please join us on leap day night for an evening of performances by Aman Sandhu and Soya Arakawa as part of Aman’s exhibition SO GLAD. Details below, in no particular order.
29th February 2020 7 – 9pm
(1) Aman tells a story about Gerhard Richter’s daughter.
(2) Soya performs the Crystals.
“I was in Taiwan for a residency in 2008, and I did a project with a Fortune-teller. She said some interesting things about what I’m going to do in the future.
– Architecture-related work
– Text-based work
– Fashion-related work &
– Work with crystals
I’m still not sure about architecture-related work, but text-based work I now do often. I’m also working for a fashion brand now. So some of this is already true.
I actually did some work with crystals when I was in Taiwan. But I felt that still was not enough.
My father is a ceramic artist, and he studied hard to invent a new glaze. When I was a junior high school student, he succeeded. He called the glaze “Crystalized Flower”.
The pattern appears coincidentally, but no one knows how to make it happen intentionally.
My father said, cores for Crystals should be intentional.
Such cores are produced coincidentally in a normal firing situation but you might have to wait ten years for that to happen. If you want to achieve the Crystalized flower effect more often, you have to apply the cores yourself.
I’ve heard this long time ago, but it tells me still a lot.”
Soya Arakawa was born in Hamamatsu in Japan in 1984. His early interest in his childhood was on ceramic, but later he decided to not to do. He entered the Kanazawa collage of art ( Kanazawa, Japan) and studied sculprue in 2003-2007. Then after he studied at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf by Prof. Rita Mcbride as guest student in 2009-2011 and as a formal student in 2011-2015 (Akademiebrief, Meisterschüler). Now he works mostly as a performance artist with artists, dancers and musicians at the different situation, such as in a gallery, museum, off space and theater. He lives and works in Krefeld, Germany.