Home Residency | Joanne Lee

November 28, 2022 11:57 am
 A close up image of a body is cropped to show hints of knees crossed over one another. Layered on top is another smaller image showing two hands holding an iPhone up in front of a nondescript landscape

Market’s 2022/23 Home Residency has been awarded to Joanne Lee.

Joanne Lee is an artist and programmer who is from and lives in Glasgow. Centering embodied knowledge and translating what it means to make and see from the periphery sits at the heart of their moving image, writing and conversations. Recently Joanne has been included in Glasgow published by Dostoyevsky Wannabe. They have screened work and exhibited at David Dale Gallery, Camden Art Centre, Pavilion and Platform.

During the residency Joanne will explore the possibility for new narratives to emerge that are based on slowness, healing and embodied knowledge. Researching into ways of sharing and working collectively and what forms that sharing can look like.