Studio Projects 2018: Amy Gear and Ailie Ormston
Market Gallery is excited to announce this year’s Studio Projects residents: Amy Gear and Ailie Ormston!
For this six week residency, Amy Gear will be splicing together stories of stones and sex to carve new sculptural and sound work. Amy will develop the work focusing on the human voice – its accents and dialects, the tongue and it’s uses (a multifunctional tool for place, for intimacy, and taste). Surrounded by Glasgow’s rich accents – mother tongues will vibrate through the research and slip into the final work, softly culminating in performance. Meanwhile, stories told and created will form the bases for sculptures – a new landscape generated around the soft and sharp edges of language.
For Ailie Ormston, the basis of this six week residency will surround a collection of instrumental tracks made under the title Tony Soprano Fashion Inspo. Whilst working with the intention to confront the traditions of presenting, performing and digesting music, physical works will be made in response to the album, hashing it out into varying modes of communication. Current research strands which have informed the music include the Ottolenghi craze, Nespresso boutiques, Tesla car reviews, the structure of a beef tomato, and most importantly, Tony Soprano’s wardrobe. Other work includes contemplating the power of black sesame seeds and weighing up the merits of an AeroPress.